Monday, August 24, 2009

Vamps and Femme Fatals; revisited

This is a group of work completed in 2009, began in mid 2008. The 12 painting series is based on a theme that I visited in 1999 and now have gone back and looked into, 10 years later. My interests have changed over the years but I always seem to go back to things and try to understand them as I did then and now. It is fun to compare and contrast your work from two different periods in life. I would like to dig up the work I did in 1999 and maybe post a few of those as well.

I continued using the same format (12" x 24") as with the last two series of works using the Reverse Scratch Technique (c). The scale of the figures increased and I limited the subject to females. I decided to use colors that I had not before and learned to extract more detail from the layers of paint below the surface.

The background was left simple until the last work in the series (not pictured). This work in partiular continues to the next and beyond. If you scroll to the next post below, you will see that the green image has many similar characteristics to the three seen here. This work was done during the end of that particular series. You can always see the transition in my work. Fun!!

The figures in this series all have direct confrontation with the viewer. I wanted a strong gaze into the viewer and even through them. The strength exemplified through a strong gaze can sometimes negate speech. The hands/fingers are extremely elongated and seem to be enchanted. There is a specific power in everyone only it is not always seen on the surface. With each of these women the position/implied movement of the hands may evoke that power.